Manhattan Contrarian, created by Francis Menton, specializes in critical and often controversial analysis of prevailing views on climate change, energy policy, and economic issues. It
WikiSpooks is an independent online encyclopedia that investigates deep politics, shadow power, and conspiracy theories. Founded in 2010, it provides an alternative perspective on global is dedicated to the investigation and exposure of the secretive Bilderberg Group, an elite assembly believed by the site’s creator, Tony Gosling, to have steered by veteran investigative reporter Leo Hohmann, stands out for its in-depth coverage of globalism, various religious perspectives, and the intersection of politics, culture,
Thunderbird is a free, cross-platform email client with open-source code. In addition to managing email, Thunderbird offers features for calendar management and task organization, making
The Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) is a prominent United States-based organization devoted to advocating for the rights and freedoms of homeschooling families. With
In a world where information flows at the speed of light, where headlines and social media dictate public opinion, and where lobbying often trumps the
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is a leading organization dedicated to defending civil liberties in the digital world. Their main page is user-friendly, with a
Fluoride Free Peel is a website dedicated to raising awareness about the potential dangers and concerns related to the fluoridation of water. The site presents
Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) presents itself as a content curator and creator with a focus on citizen journalism. Wide Awake Media is not shy about