is dedicated to the investigation and exposure of the secretive Bilderberg Group, an elite assembly believed by the site’s creator, Tony Gosling, to have significant influence on globalization and world affairs. Established in 1996, the site offers information on the group’s meetings, participants, alleged Nazi connections, and critiques various aspects of global politics and economic systems.

Big Tech Censorship has faced significant censorship issues. Google. This deliberate downranking by search engines is a clear attempt to stifle the dissemination of critical information that challenges powerful interests. Tony Gosling has documented instances where Google has removed pages from their index or delisted the site entirely for periods, particularly around the time of Bilderberg conferences.

How to Support

  1. Make a Donation: Contributions are crucial for keeping the site running. You can donate to receive watermarked versions of Tony’s ebooks, which are rich in information and analysis.
  2. Purchase Books: By buying his books in print or as ebooks, you not only gain valuable insights but also support ongoing research and publication efforts.
  3. Mirror the Site: To combat potential censorship or attacks, you can help by creating mirror copies of the site on different servers. This ensures the information remains accessible even if the main site is compromised.

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