CitizenGO is a community of citizens who enable and encourage each other to participate in public life in their home countries and on the international stage. It is registered in the Spanish “Registro de Fundaciones”. Its basis is the experience and friendship of a group of personalities who have made it their mission to serve society in the area of ​​human dignity and the rights arising from it.

CitizenGO defends and promotes life, family and freedom in an effective way through online petitions and actions.

With the CitizenGO digital platform, you are able to send your petitions to local, national and international authorities as well as to political and economic institutions of any kind. You can quickly find like-minded citizens from all over the world with whom you share the common goal of a better society, and you can help ensure that decisions are made according to shared values ​​and principles.

CitizenGO is a community of citizens who come together to empower and promote their participation in the public life of their countries and in the international arena.

CitizenGO wants to defend and promote life, family and freedom in a useful and effective way through online petitions and actions. CitizenGO works to make those in power respect the dignity of the person and their rights.

With CitizenGO’s digital platform, you will be able to address your petitions to local, national or global, political or economic authorities. You will be able to find citizens from all over the world with whom you share the ideal of a better society and you will ensure that the values we share are the principles on which decisions are made.

You can donate to CitizenGO here:

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